Facing Future Blog

We welcome you to submit blog posts on any of the stressors covered in this website, or other stressors not covered here.  Topics can include ocean and air pollution, toxic chemicals and processes, the dominance of ‘profit’ over ‘people’ and all of life on Earth, soil degradation and destructive farming and forestry practices, threats to the biodiversity of a no longer healthy ecosphere, population, how we feed ourselves, industrial and personal carbon footprints, and the many components and impacts of climate change.  Don’t forget the topics of political advocacy, and grassroots organizing that are central to Facing Future.

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Listing of Blog Posts

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January 25, 2021

Our Moment on Earth – Part 3 of 3

by Usha Alexander

As I’ve discussed in previous essays in this series, after the last glacial age loosened its grip and the climate regime stabilized into the Holocene, many of our ancestors were pursuing new, previously inconceivable experiments in living, with more and . . .

January 22, 2021

Our Moment on Earth – Part 2 of 3

by Usha Alexander

Our world is thick with stories. Gods. Devils. The Invisible Hand of the Market. Original Sin and Salvation. Karma and Kali Yuga. Progress and Liberty. The Enlightenment. Manifest Destinies. Nationalism. Racism. Patriarchies. Capitalism. Consumerism ... to name but a few . . .

January 19, 2021

Our Moment on Earth – Part 1 of 3

by Usha Alexander

For the past few years, I’ve been taking a fairly deep dive into attempting to understand the physical and ecological changes occurring on our planet and how these will affect human lives and civilization. As I’ve immersed myself in the . . .

January 12, 2021

Arctic Methane Breaking News – Part 2 of 2

by Dr. Peter Wadhams

It is known that the methane level in the atmosphere is a cumulative product of many sources, including wholly natural sources (e.g. termite mounds); natural sources enhanced by Man’s interference (e.g. digestive systems of domestic animals, or Arctic seabed sediments . . .

January 1, 2021

Modern Myths of Human Power – Part 3 of 3

by Usha Alexander

In our contemporary superhero realms, the greatest threats against the world are supervillains, often recognizable as a mythic archetype called the Trickster. These kinds of supervillains personify chaos, or – as Americans often like to call it, with their penchant . . .

December 29, 2020

Modern Myths of Human Power – Part 2 of 3

by Usha Alexander

The earliest hero whose story survives in writing is Gilgamesh, of Bronze age Mesopotamia. As a king of the Sumerian city-state, Gilgamesh was hailed a hero not because he was just and wise, but because he was king and a . . .

December 25, 2020

Arctic Methane Breaking News – Part 1 of 2

by Dr. Peter Wadhams

Methane is one of the most important greenhouse gases, second only to carbon dioxide in its heating effect, though far more potent, molecule for molecule. Its instantaneous global warming potential (GWP) is ~120 times stronger than CO2 (Myhre, G. et . . .

December 24, 2020

Modern Myths of Human Power – Part 1 of 3

by Usha Alexander

In Classical Greek mythology, Thanatos was Death. As a minor god who got little press in the surviving tales, he appears in the play, as something of a functionary, dutifully gathering those whose time had come and spiriting them to . . .

December 20, 2020

Hey! We’re on the Same Team

by Kent Deal

On Addressing the Deconstruction of Deep Adaptation [1] and the Denial That Collapse Is Inevitable by Kent Deal Let me assume some pessimism can be directed towards the chances of human survival. We can face it, our prospects are not . . .

November 30, 2020

Lost and Found in Eden – Part 3 of 3

by Usha Alexander

As I intimated at the start, this trajectory we’ve ultimately followed as a global civilization—toward increasing inequity, greater despoliation of the commons, and the eradication or oppressive control of natural life within our acculturated spaces—was not the only drama under . . .

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