Facing Future Blog

We welcome you to submit blog posts on any of the stressors covered in this website, or other stressors not covered here.  Topics can include ocean and air pollution, toxic chemicals and processes, the dominance of ‘profit’ over ‘people’ and all of life on Earth, soil degradation and destructive farming and forestry practices, threats to the biodiversity of a no longer healthy ecosphere, population, how we feed ourselves, industrial and personal carbon footprints, and the many components and impacts of climate change.  Don’t forget the topics of political advocacy, and grassroots organizing that are central to Facing Future.

Articles should be brief and to the point, ranging from 250 to 1000 words.  Please include a selection of images you feel are appropriate, gleaned from the Internet in image searches, including images JPEGs, GIFs, and PNGs.  Submit in any of the following formats: PDF, Word, Google Docs, HTML, or Text.

All articles will be reviewed prior to posting.  Any edits will be shared with you before posting in our blog.

Articles may be emailed to contact@facingfuture.earth .  Don’t forget to upload your selected images. We will confirm receipt as soon as possible.

Listing of Blog Posts

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October 9, 2018

Meat, To Eat or Not to Eat

by Patrick Hogan

To eat or not to eat, that is the question, whether ‘tis nobler, in the mind, to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune [Shakespeare's Hamlet 'To be or not to be' ]. . .or to consume animal flesh . . .

October 8, 2018

Ottawa, Canada – Presentation Experience & Unusual Weather Event

by Charles Gregoire

We hosted and organized a Scientists' Warning presentation for Stuart Scott in Ottawa, Canada, on Thursday, September 20th, 2018. We hope that sharing our experience will be helpful to others who are planning presentations. Ironically, the day following the talk, . . .

September 2, 2018

8 Big Picture Scientists: “Big Picture” Scientists Share Grave Concerns

by James Hicks

Most scientists specialize in narrow fields of study and are employed by entities that restrict what they can publicly report about their own scientific findings. As such, the public rarely gets to see the “big picture” clarity of truth that . . .

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